Holiday Preparation Pt. 01

"Oh you're not going to wear those tatty old things again are you, Dani?"

That's how it had started, my wife and I were preparing for our summer holiday and the subject of new clothes had cropped up. Of course like any woman my wife saw the annual holiday as an opportunity to refresh her wardrobe, whilst I being a typical man was happy with the same old clothes year in, year out. I'd just confirmed as usual that I didn't need anything as the swimming costume I'd worn previously would be fine. My wife seems didn't agree.

"They make you look so old and you know, Bermuda shorts to your calves is just no longer fashionable. We'll go into town on Saturday and get you something more up to date." And that was the end of the conversation and how I found myself trailing my wife in the large department store on Saturday morning.

I wasn't paying particular attention to where we were going so I was surprised when we stopped in the middle of the ladieswear. A woman in her late thirties spotted my wife and walked straight over.

"Good morning Linda," she began, clearly she knew my wife but then that didn't surprise me with the amount of shopping my wife regularly brought home. "How can we help you today?"

"Oh it's not for me Laura, it's for my husband Dani today." She waved in my general direction.

"Hello," I mumbled.

"Pleased to meet you at last, Dani." Laura's grip was firm as she shook my hand. "And what is it you need today?"

"He needs new swimwear for our holiday," my wife piped up immediately giving me no chance to speak for myself.

"Oh, no problem, what sort of holiday is it? Beach or pool?"

"Both," my wife replied quickly. "He needs both, he hasn't had a new pair all the years we've been married so I think it's time for something new and more in keeping with the modern look."

"Indeed," agreed Laura. "Well we have a large range here in store. What size are you, Dani?" She looked at me expectantly, her eyes sparkled and I caught her tongue running over her lips subconsciously.

"Um, I'm not really sure," I admitted. I worked out regularly so wasn't overweight, one reason I'd been able to hold on to my old wardrobe for so long.

"Oh, no problem. Linda, why don't I get one of the juniors to take you over to the menswear department and show you the latest stock and in the meantime I'll get Dani measured up."

"Oh, thank you Laura, I knew I could count on you," my wife smiled as Laura motioned for one of the young blonde assistants to come over.

"Ginny," she began as the girl who was only in her early twenties approached. "Could you go with Linda to the menswear and help her pick out some suitable swimwear for her husband here? He'll need some beachwear and something more appropriate for the pool too. Thanks."

With that my wife was led away whilst Laura took my arm and escorted me towards the changing area.

"Let's get you comfy in here, then Dani and I'll measure you up."

"Um, Laura, shouldn't we be going to the men's changing rooms?"

"Oh it's fine, Dani, we do have some curtains you know. Anyway, I'll be looking after you." We entered the women's changing room and Laura pushed me into the first cubicle, turning briefly to tug at the curtain doorway. I'd noticed a couple of ladies in the changing area standing in front of mirrors admiring new jumpers, both of them turned and stared at us as we entered, but said nothing when they realised Laura was there.

"Let's take these off then," Laura began unbuttoning my shirt as I stood almost helpless in the small cubicle. It only took her seconds and then she pulled it down my back and off my arms. She quickly folded it and placed it neatly on a small stool before turning her attention to my trousers.

"Um, I'm sure I can," I began but Laura was quick, she undid my belt and fly and quickly bent down taking my trousers with her. Before I could say more they were puddled around my ankles and with Laura kneeling between my feet only my threadbare boxers separated her face from my genitals.

"Oops, silly me," Laura laughed as she tried to remove my trousers. "Should have taken your shoes and socks off first really, shouldn't I? Never mind, sit yourself on that chair." She all but pushed me into the seat in the corner of the cubicle. Once sat she lifted one foot at a time and quickly removed my shoes and socks and then pulled off my trousers. She stood and again neatly folded my trousers with expert hands while looking at me and smiling. Her gaze wandered to my underwear, oh gosh I hope they weren't revealing too much I thought. Once my trousers were neatly placed on top of my shirt I thought that Laura would be able to measure my waist.

"Up you get then, Dani." Slowly I got to my feet and jumped when she put her hands on my hips. "Just these to go then," she casually announced.

"W Wait," I moaned, "surely you don't need to take those off too just to measure my waist?"

"Dani, I need accurate measurements to make sure your swimwear fit properly. Now, no need to be embarrassed, I'm sure you haven't got anything that I haven't seen before." Her hands teased at the waistband of my boxers. Damn, was she going to strip me completely naked here in the ladies changing room? What would my wife say? Oh no, what if my wife returned whilst I was like this? I felt her thumbs hook into the waistband. Was she just going to pull them straight down in one go? Oh please. But no instead her hands moved toward her until her grip on the fabric tightened and she pulled the front of my underwear straight out, away from my body. I felt cold air on my balls as the soft, warm cotton was lifted away from my skin. I looked at her face but she was no longer looking at mine. Instead her eyes were peering downwards, down into my underpants. I glanced down too. There was my cock curled up in a nest of hair, hanging for the moment in a relaxed position. Oh please God don't let me get an erection I prayed silently.

At that point Laura once again dropped to one knee, her hands still holding my boxers away from my body, but now her face was inches away from my groin. She teased the cotton down slightly and more of my pubic tufts were displayed. I caught sight of a big smile on her face as she slowly tugged my underwear further down, inch by inch she seemed to revel in revealing me until the shorts were at my knees and my bare cock was in her face. I could feel her breaths now, blowing gently across my shaft. She let out a large sigh as she completed the movement and dropped my underwear to my ankles. Not letting go of them though, Laura pulled them forcing me to lift first one foot then the other until I stood completely naked in front of her. Only then did she stand up and neatly place my last piece of clothing on top of the rest.

"Just need to get a tape measure, I'll be right back," she announced bringing me back to some form of reality. I finally brought my hands over my groin as she casually picked up my pile of clothes and walked out of the cubicle. The flimsy door didn't fall properly closed behind her and with her hands full of my clothes she couldn't pull it to. A customer stood outside, waiting it seemed for a friend to try something on, but she turned as Laura exited and then smiled as she realised the curtain door was now left with a gap at the side. She shifted her weight on her feet and turned slightly towards me to get a better view. Her smile grew and feeling exposed to a new voyeur I felt another feeling, something else was starting to grow too. I grasped my cock in both hands to cover it from the woman's stares.

Fortunately Laura rapidly returned with her tape measure and she closed the curtain behind her, but not before the woman outside had a complete view of me standing there naked holding myself.

"Here we are, Dani. Won't take long to get you measured. Now please can you hold your arms out to the sides for me?" What? She wanted me to uncover myself? I know she'd had a good glance at all my bits when she'd pulled off my underwear, but to just stand there with my arms in the air whilst completely naked was going too far. But she was insistent.

"Come on, Dani, lift them up." I gave in and again she kneeled on the floor by my feet, her face hovered next to my now seriously twitchy cock. Please don't let me get a full erection I prayed again. She took the tape measure in one hand and passed her arm behind me. This brought her face even closer as she moved her other hand around the back of me to take hold of the tape and pass it around my waist. I felt her forearms brush my thighs. Then the inevitable, her short arms would only just reach behind me and as she stretched her nose pressed against my abdomen. I felt her warm breath blowing down my cock which twitched even more as it thickened. Then it lifted slightly, only very lightly, but enough, the tip of my cock raised and brushed her chin.

"Oops," she giggled and I felt her wet lips touch my shaft. Then she managed to grab the tape in her other hand and finally pulled it around my waist. She sat back on her heels as she manoeuvred the tape so she could measure my waist. My cock was firmer now and sticking out straight in front. It was poking directly towards her, merely inches from her mouth. Laura though continued with the tape measure. She noted my slim waist and then slid the tape down to my hips. I felt the hard plastic tape settle on the top of my butt, all the while it seemed that Laura just stared at my cock which held position while she finished obtaining my measurements.

"Good," she finally spoke as she let go of the tape and then began the process of curling it up into a roll. She remained kneeling in front of me. "I think we'll start with a small size. I'll go and let Ginny know and see if your wife's picked out anything she likes." She stood to leave the cubicle once again.

"Um, can I get dressed now?"

"What's the point, Dani? You will need to undress again to try things on for size, don't worry, I put your clothes safe behind the till." That's when I realised that she hadn't returned with my clothes, only the tape measure, I was trapped in the changing cubicle with nothing to wear at all. Laura stood outside the cubicle about to pull the curtain in place when one of the women asked for something in a different size.

"Oh sure," Laura replied, distracted from me, she walked off to find the requested item. Instantly two faces appeared at the gap in the curtain.

"See," the young brunette who'd caught sight of me earlier whispered to her blonde friend. "I told you he's naked." The curtain shifted and suddenly they had moved so that there was one of them at each side. Two heads peeping in looking at me.

"Hey," the blonde spoke up. "Why are you naked in the ladies' changing rooms?"

"I I I was getting measured," was all I could say.

"There's no need to cover up you know," the brunette grinned at me. "I saw it all earlier and now Sally," she indicated her blonde friend, "wants to see."

"Yeah come on," agreed Sally, "you can't expect to stand around naked in here and not put on a show."

"Why don't you step in there with him, Sally, I'll keep a watch out for the Saleswoman." That's all it took, in a flash Sally was in the small cubicle with me, her friend keeping a lookout. Sally's hands immediately grabbed my wrists and pulled them away from my body, she stared at me as she held my hands in the air. My dick bobbed up and down as she dropped to one knee her face now only inches away from my bouncing penis. Her breath made it twitch and she laughed then blew on it with more force. The more she blew the harder I got until I was fully erect and Sally licked her lips in delight. My balls tightened in anticipation of those lips wrapped around the head of my cock and just as it seemed Sally was about to complete that action the lookout spoke up.

"Sals you better get out of there, they're on their way back." Sally looked as disappointed as I felt as she let go of my hands and stepped back out of the cubicle, neither of them bothered to pull the curtain shut and Sally continued to sneak glances through the gap as I struggled to cover my erection with my hands. I heard Laura hand the girls an item of clothing, no doubt whatever it had been that they'd requested in order to prolong their time in the changing rooms. Then I heard Laura more clearly from just the other side of the curtain.

"Why don't you take a seat just outside Linda?" she addressed my wife. "No need to stand around waiting, we'll soon get Dani in these and check the size fits him." Then she spoke to the young girl, Ginny.

"Ginny, take those into Dani and let's see if they fit him." A second later the young blonde walked into the cubicle and stopped dead. She hesitated as she realised I was completely naked and then her eyes dropped down to my groin. Try as I could I couldn't cover up completely and my boner managed to poke between my fingers. She said nothing as she presented me with a couple of different swimming costumes, her eyes never once diverting away from my fully erect cock. The curtain swished aside and Laura entered forcing Ginny to step closer towards me, the costumes still held in her hands which hovered just inches away from my stiffy.

"Everything ok in here?" Laura asked.

"Um yes," Ginny finally spoke, "he's um got a hardon."

"What? Oh yes, well these things happen." Laura didn't seem phased at all. "Dani, pop one of these on so we can see if they fit." Ginny thrust one of the costumes towards me, her hand made contact with mine and I grasped the clothing. With the costume now in my hands there was nothing covering my cock which pointed directly at Ginny. Both women watched as I struggled to pull the swim trunks on, first one leg then the other, I wobbled almost losing my balance. Ginny reacted and caught my waist, her hands cool on my flesh as I regained equilibrium. Finally I pulled them up my legs and over my butt. At last I was covered, no longer on display.

Laura took a step closer too, both of them pressed against me. Laura began to pull and tug on the material and then started to smooth out the wrinkles of the red costume. To be fair the trunks were pretty good. Slightly baggy they allowed a little movement inside and my boner was almost invisible until Laura prodded and poked at it causing it to get a little more erect. There was a net like lining inside that prevented my balls from escaping down one leg. If I hadn't been hard they would have been almost perfect.

"Looks good," Laura mused then, "let's see what Linda thinks." Without waiting she took hold of my hand and pulled me out of the cubicle, in a second we were standing outside the changing area in front of my wife. A couple of other shoppers, all female, watched as Laura paraded me in a circle so that my wife could see my new trunks from all angles. Finally my wife smiled, I don't know if she noticed my erection or not.

"They're good, Laura, perfect for the beach I think. Thank you. Did he try the other pair on?"

"No not yet Linda, I'm glad you like them." Then to Ginny, "Take Dani back and help him with the other pair will you?" Ginny had regained her composure now and grinned.

"Sure, won't be a moment," she took my hand as Laura had and led me back to the cubicle. I spotted Sally and her friend.

"Nice trunks," Sally exploded as we approached.

"Oh, um, thanks."

Ginny was ready now for the situation, she pulled me into the cubicle and closed the curtain behind us, thank goodness I breathed in relief. Then she knelt quickly down in front of me and pulled the red trunks down to my ankles, She grappled with my erection, teasing it out of the top of the trunks as she tugged them down. She maintained her hold on my cock as she heaved the trunks off my feet. Ginny then looked up at me and as she stared into my eyes she stoked my dick and winked. Finally letting go of it she picked up the second swimming costume, which was bright blue, they appeared smaller than the red ones. I tried to cover myself with my hands as soon as she let go of my dick, but she slapped them away and once free she gave my cock a slap too, causing it to shake from side to side as she watched. Slowly she opened up the blue trunks and offered them to me to step into.

Quickly I thought, please hurry and pull them over me. But Ginny was having too much fun to speed things up. Instead she slowly eased the tiny costume up my legs, stopping when she got to my thighs. From there she reached her hands around to the back of the trunks, her face drew closer to my groin. Again I felt her breath on my shaft and my balls tightened, I knew I was now close. She pulled the trunks up and over my buttocks, her hands smoothing down the tight material, her arms wrapped around my waist as she snapped my bum cheeks into the snug fitting material. Her face was now pressed against me, it was no longer her breath I felt on my erection but her hair, then her nose, oh god. Please no, but she did, her wet tongue slipped up my throbbing shaft and as she reached my glans I lost it.

Cum shot out and her head moved backwards. She watched in amusement as I spurted again, creamy cum landed in my pubic hair. Then as if she made an instant decision she bobbed her head back down and I felt her hot mouth around my head. Her tongue flicked and I exploded again, but this time she swallowed it and the fourth final spurt. Then she licked around my shaft and buried her face into my damp hair as she cleaned up the mess from the first bursts. Once I was clean she took hold of my soft member and easily dropped it into the tiny trunks before she pulled them up and finally stood up in front of me.

"Ooh, thanks," I gasped.

"You're welcome," she laughed, "you actually taste pretty good for an old guy."

"Gee thanks. But why?"

"Why what? Did I suck you off? Spur of the moment I guess. Plus there was no way I was going to get this," she grabbed hold of my cock through the thin blue material, "inside these the way it was. I suggest you try not to get too excited wearing these in the pool." There was her laugh once again. At that moment Laura poked her head into the cubicle.

"Are you done yet? Linda's getting impatient."

"All done, Laura, he's ready now. He er, lost his erection." Ginny almost blushed at that point.

"Good. And yes they don't stay up for long usually. Right let's go then." Laura again guided me out of the changing cubicles to where my wife sat in the store. We walked side by side, Laura with a hand on my ass once again feeling my buns.

"There we are, Linda, perfect for the pool don't you think?"

"Oh yes, very smart," my wife agreed immediately. "So much better than your tatty ancient shorts, Dani. We'll take both pairs Laura."

"Excellent choice, Linda. Let's get Dani out of them then I'll ring them up at the till. Ginny I think Dani's clothes are under the counter for safe keeping, can you bring them in please." With that Laura took me back to my cubicle and quickly pulled the swimwear down my legs and picked up the first pair from the floor.

"Ginny will be in with your clothes in a moment, Dani," she said, leaving me naked once again as she walked out to the tills. I stood there naked, with nothing to put on or pull over me. I could hear Laura and Ginny talking just outside the changing area. Finally Ginny entered the cubicle with my clothes. I grabbed at them, desperate for something to finally put on, not even noticing that Ginny hadn't closed the curtain, that Sally and her friend stood opposite watching me try and dress. I pulled on my shirt and then looked for my underwear in Ginny's hands.

"Where's my boxers?" I asked, still naked from the waist down I felt even more exposed in a way.

"Dunno, this is all that there was," Ginny answered giving me my trousers. Not complaining I pulled them on almost falling over as I stood on one leg until again Ginny grabbed me and steadied me. Her fingers lingered and stroked my still flaccid cock one last time before I managed to zip myself up. Finally feeling normal again I finished dressing with my socks and shoes. I was about to walk out of the cubicle when Ginny whispered.r"


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