Founders Ch. 74

74: Tuesday Kumbha 17, 231 1100 hours OST: Steely-Eyed Missile Moms

Colby texted Zach and called him when he didn't respond right away. "Considering what happened, we need to stay closer, baby. I really didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault," said Zach. "When we're apart, I miss you so terribly. I should never have told Anming what you said. But she was worried about my sad disposition. I didn't want to lie to her."

"It's my fault," said Colby. "My words to you were poorly chosen. Sometimes I feel like, carrying this child, I'll never have any energy again. I love our baby, though. Don't get me wrong. And the fucker waits until I'm half asleep and then wham, right in the kidney. We'll have to have a conversation about that once they come out. Seems they got your annoying sense of humor."

Zach chuckled, "That is a problem." Then he was more serious, "What happened on the deck, I felt like I needed to do it to end the... controversy. Don't get me wrong, every part of me needed you badly. But I don't want you to ever feel the need to just handle me. I don't want your pity."

"Zach, Zach!" Colby insisted. "What are you talking about?! I was daydreaming about you. I was hot for you. I was juicy for you. I told you that at the time. You saw it yourself. I was going to call you. It's just that I had the aux PSS out all over the deck."

Zach knew she was probably lying about who she'd been daydreaming about, but maybe not. It wasn't like she was done with him. It wasn't like she didn't love him anymore. He sighed. "I'm sorry I felt like you were pitying me. I'll try not to think that way. It's just our different love languages messing me up again."

"I'm calling because you haven't been calling me," said Colby. "I want you between my legs often, my lover. But I'm also trying to get enough rest so I can handle this giant baby you put in me. So I want to know every day when you give me chocolate when we're going to get together and do it next. We'll have plans all the time, do you get me, mister?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Zach.

"But let's plan. Don't come waking me up spontaneously in the middle of the night just now," Colby added. "I need my baby sleep. You understand, baby."

"I understand," said Zach. He understood it paved the way for Colby to sleep with Jason all night instead of worrying about Zach. Zach was hurt emotionally, but thought it was a good thing. He didn't want to be something feared and avoided. He wanted to give them the space to do what they were going to do anyway, but resisting him less.


Later that week, near the start of their sleep cycle together, Berte was riding Zach slowly, lovingly, and sexily. There was frantic knocking on the hatch. "Come in!" shouted Berte.

Anming sprang into the room and blanched. She was glued to the spot with one hand over her mouth in shock. "M-my husband, my darling fellow wife, this one is abject-"

"What's going on, Anming?" asked Berte.

"I can return later..." Anming insisted.

"Tell me pretty please," Berte insisted.

"My baby is moving," Anming confided tearfully.

"Bring that belly over here!" insisted Berte, still riding Zach and taking his dick deep.

With embarrassment, Anming sidled up to the bed.

Berte reached out and felt Anming's belly with one hand and her own with the other. "They're both kicking!" Berte smiled. "Feel, Zach!"

Zach put a hand on each belly. Sure enough, whomps on Berte's belly. Her baby was older. Definite bloops from Anming's belly. Strong for some first kicks.

"I know why my kid is excited! Ahhhhh!" whimpered Berte, as she settled and orgasmed with Anming's and Zach's hands on her.

That was all Zach could take. "OHHHH!" he shouted, liberally seasoning Berte's pussy with spunk. Anming cringed further, seeing such an intimate moment between the two.

A moment of quiet passed, feeling the babies whomp and bloop. "I'm so happy," Zach moaned. "I love you so much. Both of you."

Berte said, "You should fuck her now, Zach. You've only splooged the one time so far since lunch. You can go again right away and give Anming's baby a nice warm punch right back."

"Oh no, my fellow wife," argued Anming. "It is your week to bear the incredible burden of our husband's ardor. You must suffer mortifying orgasms as he explores your dirty holes however he desires with his tongue and mouth. You must take his virile penis again and again in your dirty holes or mouth as he requires. You must suffer many more mortifying orgasms as he thereby prongs you to satisfy his delight. You must take his hot floods of semen..."

Anming abruptly ended her description of Berte's wifely duties. She pulled her Capri pants and panties off over her flats. She lay on her back on the bed next to them. She covered face with her hands, spread her legs out and up, presenting her holes, and gritted her teeth.

"Go get her Zach!" cried Berte. "I get to feel her baby during and watch the dismount at the end."

"Please, I beg you, close the hatch," Anming whimpered through her hands.


Zach's week with Aanya began on Monday, Kumbha 23. At the 10 AM end of their graveyard watch, he found her in Hydroponics Bay B2. He walked quietly up behind her and grabbed her off her feet, spilling a few plants. "No, I'm not done yet!" she cried. That was her workaholic talking.

Mock-raping Aanya when she was great with child like this presented a unique set of challenges. Zach went down on one knee and laid the captured woman on her back on the deck. He grabbed an ankle and yanked her panties off with the other hand. He held her up by one leg as he rained down spanks on her brown bubble butt. The blows were hard enough to sting and make an awful noise, but they were harmless. He had learned that pinking up her cheeks like this helped her get moist and excited for the mock-rape.

Zach carried Aanya tummy down by her wrists and ankles and walked antispinward toward her cabin at B1. "Zach, for heaven's sake- ow!" In the light Martian gravity, this didn't really hurt her. It just looked like it should.

Zach said, "Are you done for the day? Or do you want me to tie your legs apart in the storage area again? Leave you for anyone to find?"

"You wouldn't dare you r-. You very bad man!" Colleen had made it clear that shouts of rape were unacceptable in the open areas of the ship.

"Ethan all cleared out?" asked Zach.

"Yes," Aanya replied.

Zach threw open the door of the cabin Aanya normally shared with Ethan. He threw Aanya down on her back, panties around ankles, onto the bed and shut and locked the hatch.

"RAPE!" Aanya screamed in the airtight privacy. Zach pounced on her and placed her ass up and face down on the bed. There was plenty of room for the baby in between. He pulled out his cock and spread a little lube from the bedside on it. He stabbed the length of his penis into her tiny pucker. This elicited from her something between a groan and a cry. He pumped away joyously.

Aanya struggled and cried, giving herself a lot of tension toward her orgasm. She climaxed with an animal sound as Zach continued to enjoy her tight anus. As she continued to squirm and fight, he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back sharply. "You rape me!" she moaned. He put his other hand on her throat and choked her. Her hips bucked as the asphyxiation hit her. He released it and she orgasmed again.

As Zach's orgasm hit him, he pulled out and sprayed the back of her dress with his semen. He left her that way and went to Head B1 next door to wash off his penis.

A few minutes later, Zach plunked himself down next to Aanya on her bed. She was still resting on her knees and face, basking in the afterglow, his cum soaking through her dress.

"So where is Ethan staying this week?" Zach asked.

"Colette's got him," said Aanya.

"Oh no!" said Zach.

"Yes, she promised not to break him," said Aanya.

"She'd better not," said Zach. "We don't have any spares."


Berte confronted Colleen in Control Room A in an uproar, "What do you mean we skip Saturdays!"

Colleen was taken aback by Berte's vehemence. She replied calmly, "It's only three Saturdays over the whole year. A year that's twice the length of Earth's year. It's four Saturdays only every ten years."

"But my cartoons!" Berte whimpered. "Sitting in my jammies in the morning! Forgetting the world because it's the weekend! Gone! Ripped away from me!"

Colleen argued, "But we work every day-"

"It's the thought!" Berte growled, cutting her off. "The feeling! The expectation that every week, I'll have my Saturday!"

Aanya stormed in right behind Berte. "You strumpets are ones to complain! While you all get full weeks with Zachary, I lose a whole day and night! A night where he would have forced me and spanked me and raped me and choked me and fucked me! Give me that Saturday back, why don't you!!"

"Aanya," scolded Colleen, "We've talked about not saying that word in the public areas of the ship."

"I don't care!" shot back Aanya, incensed. "Rape-rape-rape-rape-rape! I NEED BACK my DAY of Zachary's CHOKES and SPANKS and DICK in my HOLES, RAPING ME HARD!"

"Mock-rape," begged Colleen, palm to face in aggravation, "please at least say mock-rape."

"Rape-rape-rape-rape-rape!" shouted Aanya.

"Cartoons!" whined Berte in harmony. "Flannel long johns with back doors!"

Thus, the holiday of Saturday Week was born. It would fall every Martian year on the first week of Pisces. The entire week through the following Saturday would be treated as much like Saturday as possible. Everyone would call every day Saturday. If they had to be more specific to avoid confusion, they would say "the Saturday replacing Monday" or the like.

To assuage Berte, and because it was fun, she got to wear her jammies everywhere, even while on duty. Her boyfriend Aiden and husband Zach loved this part of the celebration. It meant they could bend her over, unsnap her back door, and have her at a moment's notice. Other crew could join in the wearing of this traditional festive garment. Many did for at least a day or two. A lot of back doors were unsnapped that week.

Cartoons were shown every morning in Recreation A. Both crews were encouraged to drop by and watch at least one or two. These were graveyard watch mornings, so from 10 PM to 2 AM.

It also meant that all of a sudden, Aanya's time as Zach's official wife got extended by a whole week. Ethan looked only mildly upset at this news as Colette led him away by his choke collar.

It also pushed back Colby's week of sleeping with Zach. He saw that Colby tried not to look overjoyed at the prospect of an extra week of honeymooning with Jason. Zach completely understood the thrill and urgency of new love intellectually. He had to calm down. It didn't mean that she didn't still love him just as much. It seemed to him she truly looked forward to and loved their times together. He was confident she wasn't faking her many orgasms with him. In fact, she seemed juicier, more sanguine, juxtaposed between "white meat" and "dark meat" as Berte had crudely suggested. That should be enough for him. He knew that for Colby, it wasn't the sex anyway, or not mostly. Jason was a charming, fun, erudite man to hang out with. Having a more regular sexual and sleeping partner available to her than Zach was just an extra benefit.


At the end of nearly two weeks of sex as rough, passionate, and surprising as Zach could conceive, Aanya was still not done with the mock-rape game. She also now allowed him to give her significant aftercare where he would bathe and massage her. She in turn gave him as much regular cuddling, kissing, and romantic lovemaking as he wanted.

He tried to mix it up some, but reliably he would mock-rape her in the middle of her morning bathroom routine. He would also mock-rape her near the end of every workday, sometimes bringing ropes, gags, and toys. The rest of their lovemaking, which he tended to enjoy more, was tender and passionate.

He did enjoy how much she relished a good mock-rape. She wanted to be overpowered and thereby relieved of guilt for enjoying the perverse play involved. She wanted it to be rough and passionate, not the sedate coercion of her actual rape. Humiliation or embarrassment wasn't a turn-on for her. It was really the being controlled and the rough play that did it for her.


On Pisces 9, Zach transitioned back to the day shift and took his place with Colby in their bed. They had been having urgent daily sex, some of the best sex they'd ever had. It was almost as if she was trying to convince him of her loyalty. Or perhaps she was trying to convince herself that her life with two men was best for her.

That very afternoon at 2 PM, Colleen gathered both crews in the bubble for a talk about their future on Mars. Mateo piloted the ship and was in attendance by video.

"NASA has always planned for us to strive for self-sufficiency. However, that approach is dangerous. Despite NASA's well-meaning, our survival won't be a national priority if it comes down to it. If we pour all our energies into broadening our production base, we'll still likely fail to be able to produce key failing components in our colony. And will Earth spend the money to supply these? It's certainly not in their economic benefit to do so."

"I don't think NASA has faced this issue squarely yet. We all have to, because our lives are on the line. Given our lives are on the line, we have a unique perspective. I think this unique perspective has yielded exciting new choices. I believe these choices put us in a far superior position compared to NASA's plans."

"I'd like to thank many of our crew that contributed to this plan. Colby, with her wealth and entrepreneurial skills is key to the plan's success, as you'll see. Alexis and Colette have contributed phenomenally to our thinking. And many of you others here and there. You know who you are." Zach didn't. He'd been out of the loop on this.

"We propose a course of action that focuses not on self sufficiency, but on profit. Why profit? With wealth, we can buy and stock more necessary key components. We can buy or build our own spacecraft to transport those components. Colby has freely offered her vast wealth to the Colony." There was clapping and cheering for Colby at this announcement.

Colby said, "It has been clearly shown that in a peaceful society as we hope ours to be, by default the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Eventually, this leads to instability and collapse if not corrected. I didn't want to hasten our colony's instability by having me and my progeny own the vast majority of the colony's wealth. So I'm giving it away, all of it, to all of us. It's an investment in a profitable future for all of us and our children ad infinitum." There was more clapping and cheering for Colby. Zach had never been prouder of her. What kind of ovaries did this take? Big brass ones.

"If we're unanimous in our decisions today, we can begin construction of our own excursion vehicles on Earth and our own interplanetary vehicles in Earth orbit. We'll all own equal shares in the company owning these ships, our own transport company. That's the transfer of wealth I'm proposing. We can incorporate and begin construction this month, which is not a moment too soon. That's why it's important for us to have this talk and these votes now, today."

"We'll charge ten million dollars for a round trip to Mars. Vacation expense for the two years on Mars is another ten million dollars. The total is twenty million dollars per person. That's about 50% profit, a reasonable margin. With our new interplanetary vehicles, I project we'll net in the area of two billion dollars per voyage. The tourism business will not be our most profitable business. But it is an essential business, as you'll hear in the rest of this talk. Back to you, Colleen."

Colleen said, "In the early years, mining will be by far our most profitable business. Luckily, we have two of Earth's finest geologists to talk to us about our, heh, prospects. Take it away, girls."

"First of all, let me explain Colette's appearance," said Alexis. "It's extremely difficult for Colette to speak of her regular accomplishments in regular circumstances. She's been trained well to be businesslike in normal businesslike situations. This is not a normal business situation, as you'll soon discover. Today, I'm requiring her to own her accomplishment. This will be extremely difficult for her, even in front of a crowd as forgiving as us. And her accomplishments have been extraordinary." She hit Colleen hard across the ass with a leather belt. "Haven't they, you little shit?"

"Whatever you say, mistress," said Colette meekly.

"So please forgive our unusual presentation," continued Alexis. "Tell them your biggest little secret, doll. I'm ordering you."

"No, mistress, I can't," Colette wailed.

"I'll turn you up until you do," said Alexis. She worked a control in her hand, and Zach heard a buzzing he hadn't noticed before. "It would help humiliate Colette if you all would clap, hoot, catcall, whatever, whenever she orgasms."

Colette whimpered, "No... mistress... UGH!" The crews erupted in cheers. Zach yelled, "You came like a dirty slut!"

"Very well... HNNNH... rubies... AHHHHH," Colette managed.

"How many rubies did you find, you worthless whore?" Alexis asked.

"At least twenty five kilograms... AH! So far..." Colette squeaked.

"And how much are rubies worth, my sweet?" asked Alexis.

"I caaaan't!" wailed Colette. Alexis viciously whipped her with the belt and turned up the vibrator control.

"Obey my order, slave!" Alexis yelled in her ear.

"TEN MILLION DOLLARS A GRAM!" Colette shrieked, and then rolled up in a ball and burst into tears. Alexis turned the vibrator down.

"That's a quarter of a trillion dollars worth she's found so far, for those of you who are bad at math," said Alexis. "And that price won't go down. Natural rubies are preferred in industrial lasers, all kinds of uses."

That got some applause for Colette. Zach yelled, "Colette's our favorite worthless cunt!"

"That's wealth that will be owned by our company," interjected Colby. "Our own ships will transport it back to Earth. It's dangerous to place wealth like that into NASA's or anybody else's hands for safekeeping. This is another reason why we need to own our own spacecraft. Nobody will even know about this cargo until it's safely on Earth in the hands of our trusted brokers."

"You're a good little toilet," Alexis cooed gently to Colette, grabbing her by the ankle and bringing her close. "You please us. We're willing to keep you. Now tell the nice people about some of your lesser finds."

From behind her hands covering her face, Colette said, "Well, there's Palladium, thousands of kilograms of it so far. It's worth three hundred and fifty dollars a gram."

"Palladium is used as a catalyst in a number of devices, most notably the carbon capture devices stabilizing Earth's greenhouse effect," Colby explained.

"And there's Rhodium at three hundred dollars a gram..." The list went on and on of all the valuable mineral deposits Alexis and Colette had found.

In the end, the colony crew adopted the resolutions. The mining crew was paid handsomely to not disclose or interfere with their plans.


Soon, it was Friday Pisces 13.

"Every month has a Friday the thirteenth!" Berte lamented.

At around 9 AM, the Interplanetary Vehicle lurched like it had been hit by an earthquake. Something was dreadfully wrong.

Berte was piloting the Interplanetary Vessel from Control A. It was an hour from the end of her watch. Aiden was there with her, trying to engage her in a flirtatious conversation she was not having. The vessel shook, and all kinds of alarms went off. Aiden fell out of his chair and sat on the floor in shock. "Close that pressure door!" She shouted to him. She activated the ship-wide address system, "Hull breach! Close your pressure doors! Hull breach!"r"


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